November 9, 2023

International Responsible Business Conduct

The recent foodFIRST ‘Vijverbergsessie’ on June 29th, titled "Africa "beyond its post-traumatic stress'': Towards a New Policy Discourse on Africa", focused on the government's new Africa strategy for 2023-2032. The session featured Koert Lindijer and Dorette Corbey as speakers. The dialogue demonstrated once again that it is clear that we need to move away from traditional development cooperation policy. But what role could or should a Dutch Africa strategy have in this new context?
October 18, 2023

Brief foodFIRST aan de vaste commissie voor Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (BuHaOs)

October 18, 2023 De Nederlandse bilaterale relatie met Afrika vereist een strategische heroverweging. Landen als Frankrijk en Duitsland zijn al ver gevorderd in het strategisch en geopolitiek nadenken over hun relatie met Afrika; zo stelt het instituut Montaigne dat de ontwikkeling van de landbouwsector in West-Afrika een van de sleutels zal zijn in de strijd tegen het Jihadisme. Nederland lijkt in dit denken achter te blijven. Met het aanstaande commissiedebat over de nieuwe Nederlandse Afrikastrategie 2023-2032 in het vooruitzicht (donderdag 5 oktober a.s.), schreef foodFIRST onderstaande brief aan de TK cie BuHaOs met hierin enkele uitgangspunten die volgens ons in de nieuwe Nederlandse Afrikastrategie onderbelicht zijn gebleven.
August 2, 2023

Africa “beyond its post-traumatic stress”

The recent foodFIRST ‘Vijverbergsessie’ on June 29th, titled "Africa "beyond its post-traumatic stress'': Towards a New Policy Discourse on Africa", focused on the government's new Africa strategy for 2023-2032. The session featured Koert Lindijer and Dorette Corbey as speakers. The dialogue demonstrated once again that it is clear that we need to move away from traditional development cooperation policy. But what role could or should a Dutch Africa strategy have in this new context?
May 17, 2023

Walking the talk: the global and Dutch response to Africa’s food systems challenges.

How to walk the talk in accelerating food systems transformation? During the first of a two-part Vijverberg Session series, 60 stakeholders came together on March 29th 2023, to jointly sharpen their perspectives: how can the global and the Dutch community of knowledge institutions, private sector, banks, civil society and government, effectively contribute to this transformation?