Knowledge base

Curious to know more about what has been discussed at our events? Below you find an overview of all the reports of our previous events.


June 14, 2024
Werksessie IMVO Wetgeving (EUDR) Voedingsmiddelensector

May 17, 2024
Werksessie IMVO Wetgeving (CSRD) Voedingsmiddelensector

February 29, 2024
Vijverbergsessie Voedsel, landbouw en klimaat in het kader van de nieuwe Nederlandse Afrikastrategie

February 9, 2024
Werksessie IMVO Wetgeving (CSDDD) Voedingsmiddelensector


December 8, 2023
Rondetafelgesprek Tijdlijn Landbouw en Voedsel met NICC

October 12, 2023
International Responsible Business Conduct: from legal, to moral, to impact.
World Food Day Event

June 29, 2023
Africa “beyond its post-traumatic stress” – foodFIRST

March 29, 2023
Walking the talk: the global and Dutch response to Africa’s food systems challenges


December 14, 2023
The importance of systems thinking in agri-food development: a case study of the Integrated Seed Sector Development (ISSD) in Ethiopia

August 29, 2022
Shocks and structural issues for African food production; how to continue?

June 27, 2022
Socires Lecture on the ‘Geopolitics and the war in Ukraine – the weaponization of economy and food’ by Professor Haroon Sheikh

March 30, 2022
Implications of European Sustainability Standards for Developing Countries in the Context of Geopolitical Tension


November 30, 2021
African food systems and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy: (un)intended impacts?

October 15, 2021
Refresh the food system - Inspiration to make transformation happen

July 6, 2021
EU’s Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy– External Perspectives: Implications for Global Food Security and International Markets

March 11, 2021
How to Build a Sustainable Strategic Partnership – EU-Africa Relations in the Spotlight


December 17, 2020
The Netherlands, the EU and the World Order in 2030: the Dutch food security strategy

October 16, 2020
The Future of African Agriculture: Opportunities of Digitalization to Meet African Youth Challenges in the Agrifood Sector

July 1, 2020
Africa Rising? Historical perspectives and the impact of covid-19

June 4, 2020
Agricultural development in Africa in the light of covid-19 from a geopolitical perspective


December 18, 2019:
Agricultural development in Africa from a geopolitical perspective

November 19, 2019
Financial inclusion of African smallholder farmers and agrifood SMEs

October 19, 2019:
Youth World Food Day

March 5, 2019:
Towards an Africa-Europe partnership

March 1, 2017:
Youth employability

Older reports can be found in the online archive.