June 12, 2024

Werksessie IMVO Wetgeving (CSRD) Voedingsmiddelensector

Op vrijdag 9 februari 2024 kwamen zo’n 40 experts van verschillende geledingen, zoals overheid, bedrijven, maatschappelijke organisaties, vakbonden en de wetenschap naar de SER in Den Haag. Onder moderatie van IMVO-deskundige, Manon Wolfkamp, onderzochten zij samen hoe een integrale benadering van de komende duurzaamheidswetgeving (met name de Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) en de OESO-richtlijnen voor multinationale ondernemingen kan leiden tot duurzame impacts in productielanden en een betere hanteerbaarheid van deze regelgeving voor bedrijven in hun waardeketens.
April 5, 2024

Werksessie IMVO Wetgeving (CSDDD) Voedingsmiddelensector

Op vrijdag 9 februari 2024 kwamen zo’n 40 experts van verschillende geledingen, zoals overheid, bedrijven, maatschappelijke organisaties, vakbonden en de wetenschap naar de SER in Den Haag. Onder moderatie van IMVO-deskundige, Manon Wolfkamp, onderzochten zij samen hoe een integrale benadering van de komende duurzaamheidswetgeving (met name de Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) en de OESO-richtlijnen voor multinationale ondernemingen kan leiden tot duurzame impacts in productielanden en een betere hanteerbaarheid van deze regelgeving voor bedrijven in hun waardeketens.
September 5, 2022

Shocks and structural issues for African food production; how to continue?

FoodFIRST organized a Vijverberg session on 29 August 2022, in response to the current African food security concerns, particularly the effects of rising food and fertilizer prices since the war in Ukraine. According to Prem Bindraban of the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), this is a wake-up call regarding the need for a rapid increase in African food production and the promotion of soil health through the efficient use of fertilizers, which is currently extremely limited in the majority of African countries. Jan Willem Molenaar of AidEnvironment presented the essential components for sustainable sector transformation and how to achieve them through the development of coordinated and inclusive processes.
August 3, 2022

Lecture on the ‘Geopolitics and the war in Ukraine – the weaponization of economy and food’ by Professor Haroon Sheikh

Socires organised her first Socires Lecture on June 27th, 2022 in the House of Europe in the Hague, the Netherlands. The lecture was hosted as one of the Vijverberg Policy Dialogues. Pieter van Geel, chairman of Socires introduced the lecture. Hans Bruning, acting director of Socires, moderated the afternoon. Professor Haroon Sheikh of the Dutch Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) delivered the lecture followed by a dialogue with participants on "Geopolitics and the War in Ukraine: The Weaponization of the Economy and Food."
March 30, 2022

Implications of European Sustainability Standards for Developing Countries in the Context of Geopolitical Tension

It is the first session of the year 2022 and, for the time being, the final session of our series on the external perspectives of the EU's Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy – a major component of the EU's larger Green Deal transition to combat climate change. Professor Alan Matthews of European Agricultural Policy in the Department of Economics, School of Social Sciences and Philosophy at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland is the speaker for this virtual Vijverberg Policy Dialogue. He has authored numerous publications on agricultural policy, international trade, and food security.
November 30, 2021

Report African food systems and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy: (un)intended impacts?

The final session of 2021, which took place on 30 November, was virtually organized by foodFIRST and ECDPM. This concerned the second policy dialogue in our series on the external effects of the EU’s Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy. Our first session discussed the impact study of the US Department of Agriculture, which analyzed the economic consequences of several proposed targets in the F2F strategy based on three strategy adoption scenarios, finding a reduction in global agriculture production, higher food prices, less trade, and increased global food insecurity by 2030, particularly in Africa. This session focused on the implications of greening Europe for Africa’s food systems, its food security and its smallholder farmers. Given the interconnectedness of the trade and food systems on both continents, we want to have a discussion about the (un)intended impacts for Africa and policy responses to any spillover effects of the F2F strategy. So as to promote this objective foodFIRST has teamed up with ECDPM.
October 15, 2021

Refresh the food system – Inspiration to make transformation happen

On Friday 15 October, in celebration of this year's World Food Day, foodFIRST collaborated with the Netherlands Food Partnership to organize a hybrid event that managed to draw over one hundred food professionals to Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam, as well as many more online from across the globe – from Latin America to Sub-Saharan Africa to Southeast Asia. Additionally, the programme, which was developed in close collaboration with Dr. Monk, inspired participants to propose concrete actions that would contribute to genuine transformational change, as well as to debate pressing issues that require immediate action.